
Oracle SQL Developer VsCode Extension Set-Up Guide

Cover Image for Oracle SQL Developer VsCode Extension Set-Up Guide

Hi friends!

BIG NEWS! My team at Oracle, Database Tools, has released a new VsCode extension for Oracle Database, the new SQL Developer extension! This extension brings the full functionality of Oracle SQL Developer into your VsCode environment!

What does this extension do, you ask? Let me show ya! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Click image to view extension in VsCode marketplace

In this article, I'll walk you through:

  1. installing the Oracle SQL Developer extension for VsCode

  2. connecting your Oracle Cloud database to VsCode with an instance wallet

  3. writing your 1st query with the extension

๐Ÿšจ Before proceeding with this tutorial, please watch this tutorial below to set up an Oracle Cloud database:

(Or if you're not into watching videos, read its corresponding blog post: Creating a Cloud Database with Oracle SQL Developer Web)

Install extension in VsCode

Let's get the new Oracle SQL Developer extension installed in your VsCode environment! Click this link here to visit the extension in the VsCode marketplace or follow the steps below:


  • click Extensions button in VsCode

  • search Oracle SQL Developer Extension in the Extensions search bar

  • click the extension with this image:

  • click Install

And, done! The extension is installed - now let's move on to connecting our database to it.

Download Instance wallet

Assuming you've already created an Oracle Cloud database...if not, follow that YouTube video I linked in the beginning of this article (here's the link again if you missed it). We're going to be connecting that cloud database to our VsCode extension! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

NOTE: this isn't the only way to connect your Oracle Database, just choose a different Connection Type when setting up your new database connection. -> My manager, Jeff, has an awesome blog post detailing the multiple ways you can connect your Oracle DB's to VsCode:

Let's continue our Oracle Cloud database connection setup...
Follow the steps below to download your instance wallet for your Cloud database:

  • visit home page (log in, of course)

  • click Autonomous Databases (or search it in the search bar if you can't find it, see below)

  • click the database you'd like to connect, mine is called test

  • click the Database Connection button

  • choose Instance wallet, and then click Download wallet -> it'll prompt you to input the 12 character password you used when creating your database

  • a folder will be downloaded to your computer, do not unzip this!

Create DB connection in the Extension

Now that you've downloaded your instance wallet, let's hop back over to VsCode!

Navigate to the SQL Developer extension via the database icon in the Activity Bar and create your database connection, like so:


  • click the SQL Developer extension icon, shown below

  • then, click the + icon, that is the button to create a new database connection

  • fill out the details to create a new database connection!

    • Connection name can be whatever you'd like, username should be ADMIN & the password will be the 12 character password you chose whilst setting up your database :)
  • in the drop-down menu for Connection Type, choose Cloud Wallet! Then, in Details right below, upload the file we downloaded earlier:

SQL query time!

Now to the fun stuff- we can finally write and execute SQL & PL/SQL queries! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

To create my first table using the Oracle extension, I'll be using the SQL code below. Feel free to copy and paste it to get an idea of how the extension executes code!

CREATE TABLE employees
    ( employee_id    NUMBER(6),
      first_name     VARCHAR2(20),
      last_name      VARCHAR2(25),
      email          VARCHAR2(25),
      hire_date      DATE,
      salary         NUMBER(8,2),
      manager_id     NUMBER(6),
      department_name VARCHAR2(25)

ON employees (employee_id);

ALTER TABLE employees
ADD ( CONSTRAINT     emp_emp_id_pk
                     PRIMARY KEY (employee_id),
      CONSTRAINT     emp_manager_fk
                     FOREIGN KEY (manager_id)
                      REFERENCES employees

INSERT INTO employees VALUES ( 100, 'Steven', 'King', '', TO_DATE('17-06-1997', 'dd-MM-yyyy'), 24000, NULL, NULL );
INSERT INTO employees VALUES ( 101, 'Neena', 'Kochhar', '', TO_DATE('21-09-2015', 'dd-MM-yyyy'), 17000, 100, 'Administration' );
INSERT INTO employees VALUES ( 102, 'Lex', 'De Haan', '', TO_DATE('13-01-2011', 'dd-MM-yyyy'), 17000, 101, 'Administration' );
INSERT INTO employees VALUES ( 103, 'Alexander', 'Hunold', '', TO_DATE('03-01-2006', 'dd-MM-yyyy'), 9000, 100, 'IT' );
INSERT INTO employees VALUES ( 104, 'Bruce', 'Ernst', '', TO_DATE('21-05-2017', 'dd-MM-yyyy'), 6000, 103, 'IT' );
INSERT INTO employees VALUES ( 105, 'David', 'Austin', '', TO_DATE('25-06-2015', 'dd-MM-yyyy'), 4800, 103, 'IT' );
INSERT INTO employees VALUES ( 106, 'Valli', 'Pataballa', '', TO_DATE('05-02-2006', 'dd-MM-yyyy'), 4800, 103, 'IT' );
INSERT INTO employees VALUES ( 107, 'Diana', 'Lorentz', '', TO_DATE('07-02-2017', 'dd-MM-yyyy'), 4200, 105, 'IT' );
INSERT INTO employees VALUES ( 108, 'Nancy', 'Greenberg', '', TO_DATE('17-08-2002', 'dd-MM-yyyy'), 12008, 100, 'Finance' );
INSERT INTO employees VALUES ( 109, 'Daniel', 'Faviet', '', TO_DATE('16-08-2002', 'dd-MM-yyyy'), 9000, 108, 'Finance' );
INSERT INTO employees VALUES ( 110, 'John', 'Chen', '', TO_DATE('28-09-2005', 'dd-MM-yyyy'), 8200, 108, 'Finance' );
INSERT INTO employees VALUES ( 111, 'Ismael', 'Sciarra', '', TO_DATE('30-09-2015', 'dd-MM-yyyy'), 7700, 110, 'Finance' );
INSERT INTO employees VALUES ( 112, 'Jose Manuel', 'Urman', '', TO_DATE('07-03-2006', 'dd-MM-yyyy'), 7800, 110, 'Finance' );
INSERT INTO employees VALUES ( 113, 'Luis', 'Popp', '', TO_DATE('07-12-2007', 'dd-MM-yyyy'), 6900, 110, 'Finance' );
INSERT INTO employees VALUES ( 114, 'Den', 'Raphaely', '', TO_DATE('07-12-2002', 'dd-MM-yyyy'), 11000, 100, 'HR' );

I've created a folder Intro to PL/SQL Exercises for practice, and I have a few files of SQL already populated within the folder:

To try it out for yourself: Create a file employee.sql and copy/paste that code above into your editor

  • Save it, then press F5 or click the Run Statement button, to execute the SQL script shown below:

  • Once the statements are finished executing, your table is now created! Write in a SELECT * FROM employees query in the employees.sql file, then highlight that line, and press the Run Statement button, shown below:
the Run Statement button is how you can run individual statements vs. running the entire script/file

After running the SELECT statement, your query result will display like so:

Congrats, you've officially connected your Oracle Cloud Database to VsCode, and created your first table! :)

I'm so excited to see what all everyone does with this new incredible extension! And if you haven't tried it out yet, I hope my enthusiasm has persuaded you to give it a try โ€“ I'm confident you'll find it worthwhile! ๐Ÿ˜Š

If you DO like the new extension, please give it a 5 star rating on the Visual Studio Marketplace for me! That would mean so much to the Database Tools team (who created this extension) and myself.

And lastly, you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ping me on X! ๐Ÿงก My personal website, with all my contact info: